Effects of Halophilic Bacteria's Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) on Human Health


  • Gaurabh Maniratnam M.Sc. Student, Department of Biology, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India




polyunsaturated, production, human health, fish, halophilic bacteria, plants


The need for polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) generation from fish oil and plants has increased with the rise in health consciousness. PUFAs are extremely advantageous for human health and have a positive influence on heart and brain function. Humans cannot generate PUFAs on their own because they are essential fatty acids, so they must get them from their food. PUFAs are long-chain hydrocarbons with multiple double bonds that have methyl and carboxyl groups at opposite ends. The focus is mostly on halophiles due to the desire for PUFAs that can be produced at low cost, practically, and without risk, as well as the problem of contaminated fish oil and the need to prevent the exploitation of plants and marine life. High-salinity environments are ideal for halophilic bacteria. They are capable of withstanding salt concentrations of up to 30% and 1.7% (0.3 m) (5.1 m). Halophiles are effective at producing PUFAs on a large scale. In addition to resolving the problem of fish-derived PUFAs, which is a problem for the majority of vegans, switching from fish-derived PUFAs to microbial PUFAs has the potential to be a revolutionary and entirely sustainable solution. Eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA), which are obtained from halophilic bacteria, will be produced, characterized, and discussed in this article along with their comparison to PUFAs derived from fish and plants.


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How to Cite

Gaurabh Maniratnam. (2023). Effects of Halophilic Bacteria’s Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) on Human Health. Applied Science and Biotechnology Journal for Advanced Research, 2(1), 14–21. https://doi.org/10.31033/abjar.2.1.3