Performance and Effect of Hybrid Rose Growth under Cultivars Plant Density
performance, hybrid, plant, Cultivar, YieldAbstract
To ascertain the impact of cultivar, planting geometry, and their interaction on rose production and quality, a study was carried out in an open environment. The experiment was set up using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in a 3 x 3 factorial configuration. The three cultivars ('Sophia', 'Gladiator', and 'Divine') and three different planting densities (S1 (0.90 x 0.90 m), S2 (0.60 0.60 m) double row, and S3 (0.60 0.60 m) triple row) made up the treatments. Parameters relating to the growth, yield, and quality of Rose were the subject of data collection. According to the study's findings, flower yield increased when plant density went from S1 (0.90 x 0.90 m) to S3 (0.60 x 0.60 m) triple row. On the other hand, intensive planting dramatically reduced the flower's weight and shelf life. The cultivars "Sophia," "Gladiator," and "Divine" were found to be the most productive in terms of flower yield. The 'Sophia' and 'Gladiator' cultivars performed better than the 'Divine' cultivar in several of the characteristics. Commercial producers can employ the planting densities that showed the greatest and greatest beneficial effects on the yield and quality metrics, respectively. Further research is necessary, however, on matters relating to the estimation of nutrient supply for controlling the product's fresh weight as well as other economic-related subjects.
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