Public Key Encryption and Keyword Search Mapping


  • Manoj Sharma M.Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Patel College of Science & Technology, Bhopal, India
  • Akshay Gupta Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Patel College of Science & Technology, Bhopal, India



public key, encryption, search, mapping


This work addresses a difficult method for searching for crucial keywords for mixed cloud statistics (MRSE), which is a first step towards enabling secure cloud data processing. Among the different meanings of multiple terms, we choose the relevant concept of "relational coherence". Businesses can now more easily and affordably outsource a greater variety of products and services to community clouds thanks to cloud computing. To guarantee that sensitive personal data is kept enclosed before being supplied for their work. Given the enormous number of users of data and records in a search engine, it must be able to search for a specific phrase using numerous keyword searches and show a connection between them measure in order to successfully satisfy the demand of obtaining data. First, we suggest using the simple-to-use MRSE technique to protect a computer that contains internal objects. Real-world dataset experiments demonstrate that the suggested approaches do not significantly reduce the associated computing and communication expenses. One of the ways we effectively represent user information needs through optimization is by mapping feedback sessions to pseudo (fake) documents. Average precision (CAP) is a new metric used to assess the quality of the reconstructed online search results. Experiments with real data demonstrate that the suggested strategies have very little effect on transmission and computation. We extend these two methods to include more search semantics in order to enhance the search experience provided by the data search service.


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How to Cite

Manoj Sharma, & Akshay Gupta. (2024). Public Key Encryption and Keyword Search Mapping. Applied Science and Biotechnology Journal for Advanced Research, 3(1), 12–15.