Nutrition Education Based Millets Consumption Analysis of Children in India


  • Kanishka Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Food, Nutrition & Dietetics, MGM University, Maharashtra, India



nutrition education, parents, millets consumption, preschool children


Hidden hunger and MNDs are predominant epidemic among children, particularly in developing nations like India.  A sample of 400 parents & respective preschool children (3 - 6 years) were investigated. Knowledge assessment of parents shows, during pre-test, 23.3% parents had good knowledge, 63.2% had average knowledge and 13.5% had poor knowledge, which improved after intervention, and during post-test, 68% parents had good knowledge, 22.3% had average knowledge and 9.8% had poor knowledge.  Results of millets consumption of children shows that, during pre-intervention, consumption of millets was 8.8% on daily basis, 9.3% on alternately basis, 7.5% on weekly basis, 6.3% on monthly basis, 6.8% on occasionally basis and 61.5% never use to consume millets. After administration of educational intervention on parents for 6 months, the consumption of millets improved and during post-test the millets consumption was 14.5% on daily basis, 24% on alternately basis, 22.8% on weekly basis, 15.3% on monthly basis, 5.3% on occasionally basis and 18.3% continued to never consume millets.


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How to Cite

Kanishka Singh. (2024). Nutrition Education Based Millets Consumption Analysis of Children in India. Applied Science and Biotechnology Journal for Advanced Research, 3(3), 20–24.


