Studies on the Influence of Farmyard Manure and Vermicompost on Mineral Analysis on Red Gram (Cajanus cajan L.,)


  • Rajasekaran.S PG and Research Department of Botany, A.V.C. College (Autonomous), Mannampanda, India
  • Thiyagarajan.G PG and Research Department of Botany, Government Arts College for Men, Kumbakonam, India
  • Selvaraj.M PG and Research Department of Botany, Government EVR College, Trichy, India



red gram, fym, vermicompost, protein


Cajanus cajan is mostly grown for its edible seeds, it is a species with many uses. Despite having half the energy content of charcoal, pigeon pea stems make a suitable fuel source because of their propensity for rapid growth. The present investigation was carried to find out the influence of  FYM and Vermicompost on growth of red gram (Cajanus cajan (L.). The growth characters such as shoot length, root length, plant height, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area number of leaver per plant, number of hairy roots, shoot girth, number of branches per plants of red gram seedlings as influenced by the application of Vermicompost and FYM application was found. The biochemical such as chlorophyll, carbohydrates, protein , amino acids and sugars were observed. The macro and micronutrient contents such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Manganese contents of red gram seedlings as viz., 10, 30, 45th  days after sowing(DAS) influenced by the application of vermicompost and FYM is observed. The maximum growth was recorded in treatement five when compared with others respectively.


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How to Cite

Samikannu, R., Thiyagarajan, G., & Selvaraj, M. (2025). Studies on the Influence of Farmyard Manure and Vermicompost on Mineral Analysis on Red Gram (Cajanus cajan L.,). Applied Science and Biotechnology Journal for Advanced Research, 4(1), 49–58.