Ethnobotanical Study of Some Medicinal Plants with Special Reference to Mudakkaruthan Green (Cardiospermumhelicacabum (L.))
medicinal plants, diseases, therapeutic uses, localailmentsAbstract
Plants are very useful source of various bioactive compounds which have direct or indirect use in the treatment of various human ailments. They are the god gift of mother nature in the world they are enormous amount of therapeutic, medicinal properties are rich in various parts and various aliments to cure some diseases in human, and animals in Veera chozhan river bank around two kilometer rich biodiversity conservation places. There are fifty-five medicinal plants are available. This type of herb, shrub and tree plants to cure many diseases in and around village peoples. Most of the plant parts to collect and make various ailments such as cough, sneezing, cold remedy, body pain, skin disorder, stomach problems, dysentery, diabetics, vomiting, itching, nervous disorders, leprosy, oral disorder, urinary problems, kidney stone, muscles infections, dandruff, foot crock, asthma, infertility, bronchitis, eye disorders, nasal disorders, anticancer activity, epilepsy, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, piles, laxative, headache and would healing, etc.., In the above diseases local villages immediately to collect the plant parts are used to cure some diseases to heal some problems of human begins.
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